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what you have said.

I hope you can see Hearn about the funeral war-dance. It seems little strange but there may be a connection between death & war, that may prove suggestive and helpful to you

What you write about the Wajapa is quite interesting I am reminded of the Panko ceremonial where there are those who make fun. The Koko dance I think it is called but later I will look it up so that we can look into the matter when you learn more about the Wajapa. I hope you will get the photographs of the old woman & the old man. It is certainly very queer & we must look well into it.

The Osage are quite different from the Omaha. I think that to account for some of these differences we [[strikethrough]] l [[/strikethrough]] must look into their knowledge & former relations to other tribes. The Pawnee have been considerably influenced by Pueblo culture, & they may have passed it on to other tribes. Not only the