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count out the half Saturdays in June, July + August. Mr. H. spoke very kindly of you.
I have been counting, and I think it would be well to plan so as to have all of July. You will have to find out exactly when you can meet the Osage at the Omaha. If Aug l - then you can calculate to a day when to be ready for work there, and I too can plan.

I told Mr. Hodge what M. Holmes wrote about buying some more waxube. I said you wanted to trace all these articles. Each band had one, and there were differences in ritual & contents etc. & these differences you wish to get at, as these packs were connected with the tribal organization. What is correct?

I like the name, [[?]] and will write Mabel. I am thinking of going to New York on the 29th & spending a few days when I shall see Mrs Barrows & Mabel.  Mrs Schott has invited me to visit her & hear Elijah, Mendelshon's Oratorio, & I have to I shall also visit Miss Conant.

I will hold this [[insert]] letter open [[/insert]] a little while to hear from Dr. [[Hedlicher?]], but not to lose this mail so will write later.

Goodbye. All good be with you.

[[margin]] Mr. Hodge wants you to telegraph him the cost of the outfit - telegraph "Collect" so he will pay. [[margin]]

Transcription Notes:
Poor Mendelssohn Tried to find Hedlicher or whatever his name is; can't find anything