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you to have some salad & so did I, & we talked it over whether we could send you some by express but decided it might spoil, but when you come home we will see what can be done. "Fleet" is down to see if he can get M. Parsons to consent to an early marriage.

You asked about your clothes. As soon as I got home from Providence I had your overcoat brushed & sewed it up & also your new suit and they are shut up tight in the attic.

I am sending you letters I rec'd & notices about the [[Eones?]] mine in Alaska. It is evidently in the same range as the 'Treadwell', which is one of the great paying mines, has been ever since & before I went to Alaska in 1886. It may be prudent for you to invest more than $100. I can't afford to do so, now, for I have to do some repairing on the house which will take all my surplus. If you think best I can get [[insert]] convertable [[/insert]] bonds for you. I cut a clipping from last nights Star.

Goodbye. I'm so tired I must rest.

Ever Affly 
[[signature]] M. [[/signature]]