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in monogramic form AP, also the little lark, and put in a pretty case, as I wanted your gift to stand for the very best every way. I took one of your cards & wrote on the back the words contained in your letter of Mar. 31. enclosed in quotation marks.

"My very best wish to both Alice & Fleet for a long, prosperous and happy married life"

Mr & Mrs Parsons were greatly pleased & Alice hugged it, her eyes danced with delight. It cost a little more than your figure, but if you do not wish to pay more than you said, I will make up the difference. I could not get for that sum a gift such as I wanted you to make to the friends who have been so loyal to you.

I gave Alice a silver cake dish, not as large as the one you have or as rich & heavy, but very pretty.

I supposed Cadman is with you. My cordial greetings to him, bid him be careful. I hope your suit has come safely.

Goodbye. I must lie down. 
Ever Affly
[[signature]] M. [[/signature]]