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detail there is to such a book as this. I have today been working in advance on the diagram of the Omaha Hu'thuga but it had to be done & ready for the next conference with Mr. G.

I wrote you that washing does not count in expenses, so far as I can find out.

At the last meeting of the Anthropological Soc'y, which was the Annual meeting new officers were elected all round. Mr. Hodge is Pres't. Dr. Swanton Vice Pres't Michelson Sec'y, Hewett Treasurer. I don't recall the members of the Ex. Com. 5 elected.

By the way I learn that Hewett has been reduced to $40 per mo. I noticed that his dues to the Soc'y were remitted. He is evidently in poor circumstances. I suspect that his slowness in turning in material has perhaps been a factor in his case. I am sorry for him for he is I think a faithful student  I fancy he finds it difficult to write and to complete work, and it is far from an easy task.