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Home, April 26.

My dear Francis
Your letter of the 23d has just come the first word from you for over 10 days. I am sorry you have had so much trouble with Mr. C. I hope it has not hurt your friendly relations. It is not easy work and he had had no ear training  I hope that he will now realize the very difficult work that has been done, by Prof Fillmore, particularly, & Tracy too. I am glad you are thro with it. If I live & am well, I will help you later. How much has Mr. C. done?

Today I went to the Bk & deposited your H. div. $65.00/100. I wonder if you have had all my letters? I wrote you about buying Steel Common, it is now selling lower, for the market is depressed, about $74- [[strikethrough]] now [[/strikethrough]]. At that price the 5% div. would mean 6% for your money. It is considered safe, every way. Steel Common will give higher div. later. The preferred stock can never change its per cent while common can increase the div.