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June. If I do how would you like to go with me to the Yellowstone Park?. I suppose you could meet me at Livingstone where the road leaves the Northern Pacific for the Park. But perhaps you feel that you must come home just for the comfort of being here, and to see Mr. Hodge & talk over matters. I have not yet been able to catch Miss Westcott  I shall in a few days.

I have written to find out more about Marconi Stock. It seems as tho. it was good. it is paying div. 7% the preferred, the common is also paying I understand. when I find out more I will write you.

It was very hot here on Monday, a great change on Tuesday. Friday night near freezing & today cool. I do hope you keep well.

There are many things to speak about. I finished quite a lot of your letters, making extracts, & trying to classify them as well as I can, but it is slow work. Still I shall be thro before we meet, for I can't devote myself to copying  there is so much to do for Mr Gurley. The illustrations have come, & I am disappointed in some respects. Mr Gurley comes tomorrow at 8.45 A.M. for work going over pages & the illustrations. Your picture is pretty good.

Goodbye. Ever Affly
[[signature]] M. [[/signature]]