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This relationship must be sought in the religious ideas & ceremonies, and possibly they may throw light on the antiquity of certain of the ceremonies, and [[strikethrough]] also [[/strikethrough]] possibly on the order of the 7 divisions of the Waxobe. I am greatly interested in this order. I think I see a sequence, a constructive sequence, but I will not say anything about it at this time, but await further information.

VI  The name Wa-zha-zhi, can you get at its meaning?. With the Ponca it is associated with the snake. What do you find concerning the snake "totem"?. Is the tattooing rite restricted to any one group?. Is there any latent relation between the tattooing rite, the act. pricking, the queer rattle needles, and the snake? [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] In which one of the divisions of the Waxobe does the song occur which mentions the "tattooed."

There has much thinking to be done to get to the bottom of this organization & to ascertain the culture relationship between the Osage, & the Omaha. The resemblances are to be noted the differences are marked, and very important. You will have to get at the Kaw so that we can compare, the three. Only by comparison can we really understand any one, even the Omaha. I wish this work had