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been begun 10 years ago, but I am thankful it is now underway, altho. I may not have the strength & the years to see its completion. I want to see the Osage book finished, but there is a lot to do, before that can be. However we can keep the material together in good shape as we go, so it will not be so difficult as the Omaha to bring together. Moreover we have experience to go by, too, a great help.

I have copied all the material [[strikethrough]] connecte [[/strikethrough]] collected from your letters, and they are in available shape, which will help.

I am not able to go & see Mr. Hodge. I will call him up on the telephone & see if he is better & able to be in the city & then tell you.

Have just had a talk with M. H. He says if you want to go to Pawnee or anywhere for any comparative study, you can do so he thinks your expenses for such trips can be arranged for. He is greatly pleased with your work & your modesty. He says he thinks that the expense of the two old men can be arranged for next Fall. So I think you can set your mind at rest, on that. I'm glad he trusts your judgment about seeing ceremonies in other tribes near by. It might be well for you to do so. It would enlarge your view. We all need to see other tribes, then we can better understand our own story.

Goodbye. God bless you.

Ever affly, [[signature]] M. [[/signature]]

I hope you can read this letter  I'd type write it, if I had strength.