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of Spencer Fullerton Baird. He was the Second Secretary of the Smithsonian  I am reading the book with interest.

I went to the Library to see Florence S. [^this morning] but she was not there. I met there Mr. Chas. Moore, he is in Washington doing some research work, will be here near to Christmas time. We had a delightful chat. I like him very much, you recollect I knew him & his wife when they were in Washington. He will call on me next week when he returns from New York. One son is in France, & the youngest is a Capt. in the Army & may soon be going over, any day soon.

The news is encouraging from the Sect of War. I cut from last nights "Star" a communication from "Sénous" which I thought would interest you, + throw some light on the movements in France.

Mary does very well & takes good care of me, & so does Jane. It is Mary's day out, tomorrow Jane goes out. All goes on as usual. Dr. came yesterday  I paid his bill, he left medicine, & I am getting along. I shall be glad indeed to know all is well with you. Remember me to old friends & all who remember me, to Noah Lucy Casey & all the others. Mr Keefe. Take good care of F.

Ever Affly [[signature]] M. [[/signature]]

Transcription Notes:
Spencer Fullerton Baird verified via Wikipedia