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It cleared my memory and made me understand the sequence of events in connection with the Smithsonian. I now understand it better. The relation of the Bureau of Eth. the Nat Museum & other bureaus and institutions to the Smithsonian. Also what is the office is of Asst. Sec'y.

As to Mr. Guthrie, I think his visit to Wash. at this time very uncertain, and it is foolish to put off my going to Mrs. Thaw. So I think I shall not wait for Mr. Guthrie. I will write him to that effect. Perhaps we can arrange for a few days in New York later in the season. In that event I will write Mrs Thaw & ask when it will be convenient for me to come to her. If she agrees I will leave the last of next week, the 6th or 7th  It may not be a convenient date for her but I will see. I am sorry not to have a talk with Mr. Guthrie but it does not seem practical now. I think my invitation from Mrs Thaw is for 2 weeks  I am not sure  I will write her today and as soon as I hear let you know. There will be no delivery of mail on Monday the 2d, so I cannot know before Wednesday, perhaps not then. I will write to care of Caryls.

Florence S. dines with me this evening, & we go to see the motion pictures authorized by