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Home. Sat. Afternoon Aug 31, 1918

My dear F,

While I was at market this morning Miss Clark called me up, & left word for me to call her as soon as I returned. I did so  It seems, as I understood her, there is a letter or message from over seas, I presume about Fletcher, & she was confused as to your address at Macy. I explained what Macy was, & the Co. but, as I understood, it was across the seas   [[?]] & I suggested it being mailed here, & I would forward to you, but there was some objection to that, which I could not make out, so I suggested she send you what ever it was, to Caryl's home address, 2615 Jones St. Sioux City Ia. as it would there be in safe & friendly hands, careful hands, I mean.

I hope what ever it is, it will reach you safely, because from Ed's letter they are all anxious. I will send you Ed's letter etc as soon as I can write. I have taken cold & it has settled in my right eye