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There is only Mrs McMillan Mrs Copley & a Mrs Herron here. As guests today a blind & a deaf & dumb daughter of the blind man  Mr Boyd is coming today & I write in haste. For Mrs Thaw insisted in my staying in bed this morning resting & having my breakfast in bed. It was very kind of her but I am not used to so much coddling.

Mrs Thaw is gone off on a ten days trip & will be back in 10 days. She was sorry that affairs turned that way. She is going to New York [[insert]] but to see Margaret the hours free for a [[/insert]] [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] visit to Alice & then back to Phila. to see Harry, & pick up a party for an automobile trip.

I do hope you are better. I write in haste  Had you not better stay a few days at Caryls to get rested & well before you return? Washington is hot & crowded. I do wish you could have a real outting. I feel selfish not to share the good things I have here, not the least is good food & fruit!

Do dear Francis be careful & get well. I send this in haste that you may know my thought of you & my address. Do remember me to all our friends

Ever Affly [[signature]] M. [[/signature]]