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freeze the fourth one out. In the interview given to a newspaper reporter the three left out the fourth in giving the names of the representatives of the exhibit. The one left out made some protest against the conduct of the others and they now seem to make an effor to correct the "mistake." The young woman they are trying to smother is a very high person. Seems to be quite popular here and at home.

You may remember that I wrote you about Ed's request for you to write for him a line for a tombstone he purchased for Rosalie's grave. If you have not already done so I wish you will do it soon, and when you write to him explain to him that I am here at the Exposition and have no time to write as often as I would like. I may write him Sunday yet I have a sort of an 

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engagement with McCoth to go to the falls.

I received a letter from you yesterday and sort of expected one this morning but none came. I suppose you had a good time with Mr. Farwell and Mr. Tracy the evening before last. I am quite anxious to know the outcome of it all. No doubt it was very interesting.

I went to the midway last evening. The mud was simply awful but many were out trying to have a good time. I would not have gone but there is a lady here who is very anxious to get a cachina and I went to the Indian village to look for one for her. She wanted the one hanging over the big settee but it had already been sold to Miss Genet at the office. I found one just like it and will let the woman know when she comes.