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showed me a collection of original paintings he had of Washington — another fad of his, and of course I had to tickle his vanity a little in that direction. 

I could not go to the Field Columban because it was so far and my interview with Mr. Gunther was so long, being interrupted by a man who had just returned from the gold fields of Alaska. He wanted to say that his wife could not get along without Gunther's candy and she had sent him to get several pounds of it, and he kept going away and coming back and Gunther made a few attempts to shake him but failed.

Will have to attend to business this evening, so will try to write tomorrow.

Affly, [[signature]] F. [[/signature]]

[[right margin]] Will send reprint of my address.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]


resonant bass. He stays because he is not yet of age. He is going to be like the older boys. Fletcher, La Flesche and Eddie will be the comfort of Ed's old age. Mary is selfishness itself, what she will be is hard to tell but little Marguerite is a gem. Mary is pretty but Marguerite is beautiful and she will grow up to be a woman of rare character. Susan has had a hard time of it and is now having lots of trouble. Henry has been such a hard burden to her and her land is not yielding much so she has to cut expenses pretty close. Henry is dying very fast, he may not live two months at the longest