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as the man of his dream. He caught the bird and plucked from its left wing seven feathers.He started home and met the eagle who gave him a downy feat eras his help toward giving long life to the "little ones." Further on he came to a [[strikethrough]]black[[/strikethrough]] piece of black metal who offered long life(?) All these th man took home and the people accepted them as sacred gifts. They made a wa xo-be into which they put these sacred articles. Then each clan agreed to put into the wa-xo-be along with the seven pelican feathers and other things its totem which each already had. The speach of each clan is giving its to tem is in wi-gi-form but I only have it in pharaphrase and I will give only two or three of the most striking ones.  Tsi-zhu,speaking as the Red Eagle said:  My name is Ho^[[n]]-^[[/]]ba Tha-gthi^[[n]],Beautiful Day. My life is in the midst of the life-giving beautiful clear sky. My life is hardened against death for I am in the midth of the lift giving sky and I die hard. If thes little ones carry me enfolded into their arms,on their life journey,their lives,also, shall be hardened against death and their lives shall be prolonged."  Speaking as Gko^[[n]]-^[[/]]ha-u-thi-shte (sub-clan) the representative of the Tsi-zhu said: My walk is in the life-giving perspiration (moisture)of the air and of the earth. I am ever moving about in the midst of the xthacka,the white blossoms of Spring. I am ever moving about in the midst of the xtha-ci,the yellow blossoms of Autumn. I am deathless. The little ones who carry me enfolded in their arms,on their life journey,shall be hardene against death and their lives prolonged. Their lives shall be in the midst of the life-giving moisture of the earth and of the sky. They shall move about in the midst of the white blossoms of the Spring and the yellow blossoms of the Autumn, and their lives shall be lengthened." I am not sure bu I think that this ^[[is]] the god of Summer,and its symbol the blossoms. The name "Gko^[[n]]-ha-u-thi-shte" is the name of the cut of the hair of this sub-clain. The whole top of the head is shaved and afringe is left all ar ound and thi^[[s]] I think is symbolic of the flower and its petals. Is'nt it poetic?  The Mi-^[[/]]k'i ,sub-clan of the Tsi-zhu,spoke and said: I am the god of day. Seven rays are on my left side which these little ones shall use in destroying their enemies. Seven o-do^[[hl]],(war-honors,)shall each one count,one for each of these seven rays. And thus shall the lives of these little ones be hardened to resist death,and their lives be prolonged. Six rays are on my left These shall the little ones u[[strikethrough]]n[[/strikethrough]]^[[se in]] destroying their enemies. Six o-do^[[n/]] shall each one count,one for each of these six rays. And thus shall their lives be hardened to resist death.If these little ones carry me enfolded in thei arms, in their life journey,their lives shall be lengthened."  Wa-xthi-zh was very reluctant to give this part of the story because he said the beautiful story was spoiled here by the intrusion of the ts'a-^[[/]]dto^[[n]]-ga,the grea serpent,or the devil. It is against the principles of the new religion for a member to recite any of these rituals and there is war between them and the no^[[n]-ho^[[n]-zhi^[[n]-ga.  The story of the elk comes out in this as the earth-maker,the maker of the [[strikethrough]]earth[[/strikethrough]] Ho-e-ga(hu-thu-ga) that is the snare of all living things and from which none escape.The elk himself is the configuration of the earth,in which dwell all living things.

Wa-[[strikethrough]]z[[/strikethough]]thi-zhi will come again this afternoon and will tell me more about t this.He also knows something about the rituals of the wa-xo-be. He will fe feel free now to tell me all he knows of these things.

Now I must close. I will write again soon. Remember me to the Parsons, to Mrs-Cushing and to Dora.