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Pawhuska, Okla.
July 8, 1912

My dear M,

Your two letters of June 24 & 26 came last Friday. At the same time I received a letter from Mr. Hodge calling on me for a report on my work for the year ending June 30" and since then I have been busy on the Wa-xri-zhi rituals and I have completed two, the longest ones. The others are partly completed. Mr. H. Says "in the case of the Ethnologists of the Bureau, more or less detailed information be given respecting the amount of manuscript completed for publication during the year." I take this to mean manuscripts that are complete and could be published at any time. If that is so I cannot report any completed manuscript. The two manuscripts of the Wa-xri-zhi rituals and the one given by Bacon Rind are, each, complete, but they belong to and or parts of the non-hon-zhin-ga rites and