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Pawhuska, Okla.
July 12. 1912

My dear M,
Yesterday I received your letter of June 28 enclosing letter of Mrs. Thaw. From the newspaper reports it seems as though Harry may be released.  

Your note of the same date also came enclosing letter from Mrs Parsons and from Miss Mead. It is too bad that [[Farrobler?]] should be outstripped by one so undeserving. It is well to hurry up with work for publication but to publish an incomplete and imperfect paper is worse than not publishing at all. I can understand why [[Farrober?]] is slow. For two days I have been busy working on the annual report called for by Mr Hodge. I finished it yesterday morning and mailed it. I will send you the copy which return. I think I could have done better with it but it was so hot and I was in a hurry to get it off. You will see in the report that I gave reasons why none of the things could