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I do need change very much but I must be here to wait for an opportunity to get the rites I am after. I think one man is studying them over with his father and I want to be here if he is ready to recite them for me. When I have secured this material I shall be free to do what I want to do. Then too I must save my time so as to have a little visit when I go home next fall to vote. Politics is all thrown into one grand mess. Some Republicans are going to vote Democratic ticket and some Democrats are going to vote the Republican ticket. From the papers I see that many of the people are saying that they do not want a college professor for a president. It is all an interesting muddle. T.R. is still trying to hood-wink the people with all his "will of the people" and "rule of the people" talk. And he is still howling thief and fraud. If he does get up an independent ticket with Bryan for a mate it will be a mixture of democrats, republicans and populists and they will never in the world pull through as history shows that a third party has never yet succeeded. But it will leave the chances equal between the two old parties and it is to be hoped that Taft will win. This will of the people idea is a dangerous one. It is "Better