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to it. If Mr. Hodge is willing to have me take the time and arrangements are made with him it might be well for me to do it.

I have at last heard from Mr Moore! He has sent me ten photographs and will send more. Two of them are fine one a woman and the other a man. That of the woman is beautiful. I wrote you once about her. She was at a [[nuseal?]] meeting and she came to bless herself at the sacred fireplace with the fire and the symbolic rituals and as she stretched her right hand to the fire she made a beautiful picture. When I come home I will show you all the pictures. They are fine. The man is Charley Mi-'tse-tsi-e. I have a postcard picture of him where he had his hair soaked. While it is a striking picture it has no beauty. In this picture he wears long hair and he is in full profile. I will now write to Mr. Hodge and tell him so that he may not feel that he must do something to find out what the trouble is with Mr. M.

It has been fearfully hot here but last night was a tremendous relief. A delightful cool night and how I did rest! The day is cool and a good breeze comes through my window as I write.

God bless you.

Affly, [[signature]] F. [[/signature]]