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but I think they are insects of some kind or birds. The first mentioned in the ritual is the "tre'-pi-tha-ton" or dragonfly, the next "tre-shin-shro" which I cannot identify, the third is the "gi-ni'-ni-ka" and altho. I cant find out what it is I think it is the butterfly, from the Omaha name "tri-'ni-ni-ka", and the fourth is the "ni-shku-shku", or swallow. These are the four creations that fly in advance of the black storm seeking to punish the people who break their promise to have the wa-xo-be ceremony performed. These promises are called "wa'-xpe-gthe" another word that is undefinable.

The new agent has been quite sick and now his wife is down, all from this heat. There is one comfort and that is the nights are bearable. I am feeling first rate now but i am not working so hard. I go frequently to see the Indians to get them to talk of old time things. Yesterday I learned some queer & interesting things about the Osage wa-wane ceremony. Will write about it at another time.

Ever Affly, [[signature]] F. [[/signature]]