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men running autos. are afraid on account of the wear and tear.

Wa-xri-zhi was here for a few days last week and I learned some interesting things from him. I noticed that in all the wi-gi-e that have to do with man, given by Bacon Rind Wa-xri-zhi and Wa-sho-she begin with the feet up, while those given by Saucy Calf begin with the head down. S.C's gens has to do with the Sky. They are Thunder people. The others are not. The sky people, from all this, have to do with the birth of man while all the others have to do with the growth of man. Wa-xri-zhi says the Tri-ha-shi the last of the lodges, or the Tho-xi and the Ni-'Ka-wa-kon-da-gi are the only ones whose rituals relating to man begin with the head down.