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— head, arms, body, legs, feet. The others are the reverse. I wrote you about the spirit song of the Honga. It is extraordinary. I meant to have asked Wa-xri-ghi about it but it slipped my mind. It may turn out that it has reference to plants that die in the winter time and come to life again in the spring. But I will find out some time or other. When W. comes to the Sept. payment, he will give me the Non'-zhiu-zhou degree of the Black Bear and Cougar. He says that that is considered of more importance. In that degree all of the 70 and 60 songs are used with slight modifications, also the various forms are used the same as in the Wa-xo-be-a-wa-thon, or Wa-xo-be ceremony. That will make about three degrees secured. It is quite possible that I can get another one from him.

Now I must go mail this.

Ever Affly, [[signature]] F. [[/signature]]