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no doubt that Dora is taking good care of the house. 

I have found a man who can play the flute so I am going to make some flute records.

A [Mi-'zhin?] (wedding) is going on and I am invited to share in some of the goods, as a relative! The bride to be is a grand daughter of [Saucy?] [Calf?]. Yesterday I was at one of the feasts. Each one of the relatives of the bridegroom in prospect carried a Kettle or pan and they came in at noon in a long procession, the leader of the procession carrying a U.S. flag and the man at the rear carrying another one, while [[??]] the relatives' of the maiden wated in the long wigwam prepared for us. You may bet that while the [mi-zhiu?] goes on we are going to live high at the expense of the young man's