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Pawhuska, Okla.
Sept. 29, 1912

My dear M,
It has been a busy time with me for over a week so I have not written altho. I have wanted to. Wa-xri-zhi has been here for the payment and from him I have secured the Non-zhin-ghen, or fasting, degree of the Non-hen-zhin-gee rites. While the difference from the 1st degree are not so very great there are some very interesting things in it. We have been working over it and talking over it so that I think I understand it pretty thoroughly. He goes home today so I take some time to write this to let you know I am all right, pretty well & busy.

The Songs and Rituals cover 23 cylinders and it will be a job transcribing them from the machine but already quite a number of the rituals have been typewritten, they having