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I started a week ago last Monday and arrived in Columbus Tuesday night. I was met by a Canadian Indian who was obligated to meet the Indians who came in. I wanted to go to a hotel where the Indians did not stay but the man hung on to me so I went to the Columbus Hotel where all were staying. I asked for a room with a bath and it was given to me. It was luxury.

Wednesday morning a meeting was held at the Merchants Exchange. The board room was crowded. The Asst. Commission, Chief law clerk, Father Ketcham, and others were there. A paper was read by a man, I forget his name, in which he discussed the "Indian problem" generally, and as the paper was open for discussion I arose to speak, and everyone became as quiet as ^[[insert]] in [[/insert]] a graveyard. I made some complimentary remark as to the interest of the paper and then went on. I said, We have for many years been