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given by Amos Walker which I attended, Susan told the people of the completion of the building and the need of money for the furniture. Over a hundred dollars was raised. I gave $50.00 and so the fund for the furniture is well started. Walter Diddock has given the lot on which the hospital is built.

Carey is doing well but not as well as he did last year. He thinks he will do better when he goes to be in his own land near Walthill next year. He has 120 acres of cultivated land out there. The land he is living in belongs to his wife's mother and he is leasing it. He and his wife have sent two of the children to Geneva School. Elizabeth, the oldest is is growing up to be a fine woman. Both Susan and Marguerite say that the change in the girl is remarkable in every respect, in appearance, manners, character and all, altho. at great disadvantage from home conditions.

Noah and Lucy are doing well  altho. Lucy suffers very much from rheumatism. Poor Noah has to do the cooking and everything else. The house and surroundings is very neat and pleasant, and is a real home for the two. Noah has put in six or seven acres of alfalfa and seeing how much better it is than the wild hay he is now clearing land for more alfalfa. My talks to him have fallen on good soil and has done some good.