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persons influences the [[inserted]] new [[/inserted]] council to approve in defiance of the Secretary. These leases were brought before the President on appeal from the decision of the Sec. adverse to them and the Pres. sustained the Secy's. decision. These men got the new Council absolutely in their control and and got them to disapprove the [[hds?]] filed at the call of the Sec'y. for oil leases. The long and short of the story about these leases is, the Sec'y. sent a secret service man out here. He went to work and pretended to be a representative of a fictitious oil Company and came to Comstock who did all the queer part of the work of the men interested in the four disapproved leases and offered to retain him as Attorney to secure the approval of the Council of his leases. In discussing the plan for securing the approval of the Council this man suggested bribery and in the presence of two men who were assisting the Secret Service man, he told how