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a good thing and I must get it.

I have a letter from Dr. Hough about the looms I sent in. He is very much interested in them and asks me how they are set up. I will write him when I find the letter. I am glad they are appreciated as I have had such a time getting them.

When I come I will bring with me the two Wa-xo-h that I have. I want you to examine them both, the one I got last in particular. This one must be described with good care as I think it is one of the oldest.

I am very glad that Dora Loo consented to have a doctor. I am afraid she has let the trouble go too long unattended and it will be some time before she gets fully relieved. How about her fellow? I think the trouble with her is from the stomach. I was glad to get your letter.
Ever Affly, 
[[signature]] F [[/signature]]