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^[[One of the letters you forwarded was from Mrs. Pettigrew about the "Sun dial" disc [[pipe?]] her husband found in those old mounds.  It is quite interesting but I will tell you of that later]]

Fairfax, OK.
Jan, 15, 1917

My dear M,

I did not get my mail till Saturday afternoon. I got here Friday noon and at the invitation of my host I went with him to a peyote meeting held at Dogie camp, 8 miles from here on the Ark. river. At that meeting I learned more about the new religion. Saturday morning I went into the meeting house and a number of the members beside the firetenders came and brushed away my sins as I stood before the sacred fire. These men shook hands with me & welcomed me. The leader then assigned me a seat and I was made comfortable. Soon after I took my seat a white woman entered with a baby strapped to a board & covered with a blanket.  Both mother and child were brushed before the fire. The father, an Osage, presented a cigarette made of corn-husk to the leader. The mother placed the child in the arms of the leader who began at once his prayer for the infant. He stretched his right-hand toward the alter-peyote and to the staff that stood before him and to the fire, then touched the lips of the child with his fingertips and on its heart. He prayed at some length to Wa-kon-da and then asked of the father the name to be given the child.  The father said it was Hon'-ga-ha-bo, and then the leader repeated the name, addressing Wa-kon-da, and asked that he give his special care to the child so that it may grow up to be a kind and good man, who will shun evil and live a godly life.  It was quite an impressive ceremony. Before taking her seat the mother touched the alter-peyote and the staff and then her lips and heart. It is surprising that that old and young alike show the greatest respect and reverence to these outward symbols, the alter-peyote, the staff and the fire. When the leader assigned me a seat he did not