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Sioux City, IA
Aug. 28, 1918

My dear M,
Have just finished my bath and changed my clothes. Caryl got my message last evening as he was leaving for South Dakota. Jennie met me at the station and conducted me home. She and the children were glad to see me. Rosalie and Ruth were waiting for us at the car track, and as I got off the car both jumped at me and hung on to me. 

On the train leaving Chicago I met a Chertaux Indian. He is on his way to Winnebago to preach to the Indians. He calls himself and evangelist. He lives in [[strikethrough]]Chicago[[/strikethrough]] St. Louis an goes about from there. He was not particularly interesting but when he learned that I was an Omaha he asked me if I knew a little prayer song of the Omahas and he hummed your little prayer song. I told him I knew it from childhood, and I hummed it to him. Now, he said, I am satisfied that it isn't a