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a clean suit, a suit of underclothes, a lot of clean handkerchiefs and other necessary things for my comfort.

Now I must close as Jennie is getting up an early dinner or lunch for me and the table must be set, I write in the dining room.

Be careful of yourself and don't go out when it is hot or it rains. Do not run any risk of set-back. You are getting well and I am always afraid of set-backs by over-exertion.

I will write again as soon as it is convenient for me to do so. I shall probably stay down at Macy till Monday and then come back here. I must get my bearings before I decide to go to South Dakota for Mr. E. If I do I will let you know.

I haven't your address at Mrs. Thaw's. Remember me to the Parsons.

Always affly
[[signature]] F. [[/signature]]