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Saturday back to Sioux City. Early next week we may go to Ed's for a day or two. 

I am very glad you are well and being taken care of by Mary and Jane. It is cold out here in the night and I keep comfortable with many blankets.

Mahasvathe came early this morning and invited Cary and me to dinner so I will have to hasten back. A member of the Committee of the Pow-wow association brought me over in his little Ford.

I must now close. I am a little bit upset but I shall soon be all right again. Change of water & diet I expect is the cause. Many people inquire after you.

Take good care of yourself. Sorry Gillian's visit is uncertain. It may be wise for you to go to Mrs. Ts at once. 

I may not go to South Dakota. I do not quite like the job of drumming up contracts.

Will see you again before many days.