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^[[ [[underlined]] Recd May 2  Ansd May 2 [[/underlined]] ]]

Pawhuska, Ok.
April 29, 1919.

My dear M,

This morning as I was at work translating Wa-tse-mon-in's wi-gi-e, a man called on me and said Fred Lookout had sent him for me with his auto. I went down and he was waiting for me in town. He is interested in some inherited land that is in litigation and he wanted me to explain to his lawyer the tribal organization in order to make clear to him the difference between the terms of relationship used purely as ettiquete and those used by persons who are related by blood. It seems that many court decisions are being made in probate cases under a misapprehension of the use of relationship terms and an injustice is being done to persons who are the real heirs in certain cases. The case in which Fred claims interest has been decided once and is now pending in appeal to a higher court. The lawyer immediately saw how naturally these mistakes have arisen and with this knowledge of the Indian custom of the use of terms of ettiquete he could protect Fred in his right. He said this was mentioned in some cases but was not so clearly set forth as it was now explained to him. Fred seeing that the lawyer understood went away to Hominy happy. If he sees Shin-ge-moa-in over there he will bring him home and then I shall be through as far as the rites are concerned.  Next week the wedding of Fred's daughter takes place and I shall wait to see that as I want to have photographs taken of both bride and groom. That done I shall be ready to face homeward.

As I was down town Bonnicastle handed me your letter of the 27th. I think it would be safe to accept the New York invitation. I shall be home in time for it. Mr. [[Lussum's?]] letter is very characteristic. Evidently he is out of a job and is at a loss what to do. I shall be glad to see Emma Gay's letter. I have also read the notice of Dr. Sturgis' brother's death.