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At Lucy's
Sept. 16, 1919.

My dear M,

I don't know when I shall get a chance to mail this but I am writing the letter just the same. I arrived at Carey's yesterday afternoon and had a pleasant reception and a good night's rest. The steamer rug came handy during the night.

Lucy was going to have her oats threshed & so Carey came over to see about counting up her share of the number of bushels and I came with him. The threshing is going on now and is nearly over. Lucy will get quite a lot but the price is very small. Her corn will amount to quite a considerable, near to two thousand bushels. This will go a good way toward canceling her debts. She seems quite well and cheerful. She takes a great deal of comfort out of little Lucy's companionship. The tiny little life is all smiles and cheerfulness, cries but little and most always plays.

Carey is not so successful in his farming and he will have a hard time pulling through