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the winter. He has but 26 acres of corn and that may yield him about 1500 bushels. The sale of certain lands may pull him through comfortably but he looks back to the time when he used to get big crops.

As I telegraphed you Caryl was not home yet and I came right on down to Carey's. Caryl may be home now and I may see him tomorrow at Macy. In a day or two I shall go down to see George Miller. After that I may go up to Caryl's. My plans are yet uncertain-

I saw old Mahawath at Walthill. He was having some legal trouble with a white neighbor of his and so our conversation was short- I also saw Walter Dillon, his face is all scarred up from that accident-

I am very well and I hope I shall keep so- the water at Carey's is fine and I linger over it. The two boys are growing fast and both speak good English, such as boys of their age speak. Frank likes machinery and he may yet become a good machinist.

I was quite surprised at Lucy's cheerfulness as she used to have such a despondent disposition. She is going to sell out her little stock, leave her land and make her home with Carey which I think is a good thing. 

I hope you will have a good time tomorrow seeing the parade.

[[signature]] F [[/signature]]