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to be heard as representatives of the tribe in tribal matters. Henry Sheridan acted as spokesman and he made it interesting. I said nothing as the proceedings seem to go right and in a dignified manner. Henry spoke well and always to the point. Levi Levy also helped altho. his position is a delicate one, being in the employ of the agency. We may hear about all this later before the Committees of the two houses of Congress. 

I shall go to Caryl's tomorrow evening. and come back here [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] next week before getting ready to start home, in order to see how the subscriptions are getting on. Kappler in the meantime will keep a look out after Omaha matters, but he should be paid for his services and I will try to see that he does get paid. 

I hope you are well and that the household matters are going on smoothly. I go to Walthill after lunch and I hope I shall find a letter there from you. Remember me to the Parsons.

[[signature]] F. [[/signature]]