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^[[E A]] ^[[ [[strikethrough]] ExA [[/strikethrough]] ]] ^[[ [[underlined]] Use d [[/underlined]] ]] [[preprinted]] UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM UNDER DIRECTION OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION WASHINGTON ^[[August 4, 1891]] [[/preprinted]] [[stamped]] G.B.G. AUG 5 1891 [[/stamped]] Mr. G. Brown Goode. Assistant Secretary in charge National Museum. Sir: I have the honor to submit herewith a report upon work done during the month of July, 1891, in the Department of Birds. [[underlined]] Accessions. [[/underlined]] The number of entries made in the museum register of birds during the month of July, is 586 (Catalogue numbers 120753 - 121334, inclusive, and nos. 120321 - '25, inclusive), the more important accessions being the following:- from [[underlined]] P.L. Jony, [[/underlined]] Tucson, Arizona.- 11 specimens
Transcription Notes:
Moved "-mens" from beginning of next page to end of this page, per hyphenation rule.