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[[checkmark]] From [[underlined]] Jos. Rosenthal, [[/underlined]] New York City.- 4 specimens (4 species) Birds of Paradise, etc. (Purchased).

[[checkmark]] From the [[underlined]] Australian Museum. [[/underlined]] Sydney, New South Wales.- 137 specimens (90 species), from Australia, most of the species new to the collection. ([[underlined]] Exchange [[/underlined]]).

[[checkmark]] From the [[underlined]] Museo Nacional de Costa Rica, [[/underlined]] San José, Costa Rica.- 4 specimens, 2 species, both new to science. (Gift.)

[[underlined]] Specimens distributed. [[/underlined]]

Specimens were distributed during July as follows:-

To [[underlined]] Rev. H.B. Tristram. [[/underlined]] Durham, England, 60 specimens, 48 species, from various North