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from [[underline]] G. Frean Morcom, [[/underline]] Chicago, Illinois. - One Cackling Goose [[underline]] Branta minima [[/underline]]) in the flesh, from Minnesota. (Gift.)

[[underline]] Specimens distributed. [[/underline]] 

To [[underline]] Witmer Stone, [[/underline]] Academy Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pa. - 23 specimens of [[underline]] Pyrocephatus mexicanus; [[/underline]]
lent for identification
To [[underline]] Frank M. Chapman [[/underline]], American Museum Natural History, New York City. - 13 specimens of [[underline]] Quiscalus [[/underline]]; lent for identification.   

[[underline]] Minor routine work [[/underline]] 

Official letters written .. 28
" [[ditto for Official]] memoranda " [[ditto for written]] .. 12