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4 Memorandum of packing .. 2 Requisitions, "house" .. 10 " [[ditto for Requisitions]] outside .. 8 orders for work .. 7 Invoices written, pages .. 4ΒΌ Proof corrected " [[ditto for pages]] .. 4 Manuscript revised, pages 3 Report for September : [[ditto for pages]] 8 [[underline]] Papers submitted for publication [[/underline]] Only one paper was submitted for publication, its title being as follows: - Descriptions of two supposed New Flycatchers from Costa Rica, by Geo. K. Cherrie. ([[underline]] Mionectes semischistaceus [[/underline]] and [[underline]] Ornithion pusillum subplanum [[/underline]] - types of both donated to the U.S. National
Transcription Notes:
unable to verify Ornithion pusillum subplanum - nwm