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^[[EA]] [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] E&A [[/strikethrough]] [[underline]] [[used]] [[preprinted]] UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM UNDER DIRECTION OF THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION WASHINGTON, [[/preprinted]] April 6, 1892 [[stamp]] APR 6-1892 [[/stamp]] Mr. F. W. True Acting Curator-in-charge National Museum. Sir: I have the honor to submit herewith a report upon work done during the month of March 1892 in the Department of Birds:- [[underline]]Accessions.[[/underline]] The number of entries made in the Museum register of birds during March is 504 (catalogue numbers 125193-125726, inclusive,) the more important accessions being the following:- From [[underline]] A.W. Lord, [[/underline]] Jacksonville, Illinois. -