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[[underline]] Specimens distributed [[/underline]] 

To [[underline]] J.A. Allen, [[/underline]] American Museum of Natural History, New York City. - 63 specimens, 8 species, of the genus [[underline]] Myiarchus. [[/underline]] (Lent for identification.)

To [[underline]] F. Stevens, [[/underline]] Santa Ysabel, California. - 4 specimens of [[underline]] Dryobates scalaris bairdi. [[/underline]] (Lent for identification.)

[[underline]] Minor routine work. [[/underline]] 

Official letters written .. 24
"[[ditto for Official]] memoranda "[[ditto for written]] .. 7
Requisitions, "outside" "[[ditto for written]] .. 7
"[[ditto for Requisitions]] "house" "[[ditto for written]] .. 12
Orders for work "[[ditto for written]] .. 5
Memoranda of packing "[[ditto for written]] .. 1


Transcription Notes:
genus & species names verified - nwm