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[[underline]] Minor routine work. [[/underline]] 

Official letters written .. 108
"[[ditto for Official]] memoranda "[[ditto for written]] .. 21
Requisitions ("house") "[[ditto for written]] .. 13
"[[ditto for Requisitions]] ("outside") "[[ditto for written]] .. 33
Orders for work "[[ditto for written]] .. 5
Memoranda of Packing "[[ditto for written]] .. 1
Invoices "[[ditto for written]] (pages) .. 5
Proof corrected, (galleys) .. 2
Report for May (pages) .. 5

[[underline]] Work of taxidermists. [[/underline]] 

The taxidermist of the Department of Birds, Mr Henry Marshall, was engaged largely in work on the World's Fair exhibit, of a character not easily tabulated, such as putting birds on new stands, overhauling and repairing