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the year 1891-'92 is 5608 (catalogue numbers 120753 to 126349, inclusive, and 126351 to 126361, inclusive), the more important accessions being the following:-

[[ [[underline]] Smaller type [[/underline]] ]]
From [[underline]] Dr. W.L. Abbott, [[/underline]] Phila, Pa. - 362 specimens (number of species undetermined), from Cashmere, India. (Gift.)

From [[underline]] C.F. Adams, [[/underline]] Champaign, Illinois. - Two specimens of the American Flamingo ([[underline]] Phoenicopterus ruber [[/underline]]), from the Galapagos Islands. (Purchased for the World's Fair exhibit).

From the [[underline]] American Museum of Natural History [[/underline]] New York City - 91 specimens (31 species) from Chapada, Matto Grosso, Brazil. (7 species new to the collection.) (Exchange.)