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8 [[smaller type]] From [[underline]] F.B. Armstrong [[/underline]], Brownsville, Texas. - Two specimens of Chachalaca ([[underline]] Ortalis vetula mccallii [[/underline]]), from Texas. )Purchased for World's Fair exhibit.) From the [[underline]] Auckland Museum [[/underline]], Auckland, New Zealand. - 58 specimens (37 species,) of New Zealand birds, many new to the collection. (Exchange.) From the [[underline]] Australian Museum [[/underline]], Sydney, New South Wales. - 137 specimens (90 species), from Australia, most of the species new to the collection. (Exchange.) From [[underline]] Rollo H. Beck [[/underline]], Berryessa, Cal. - 98 specimens, 58 species, from California. (Gift.) From [[underline]] L. Belding,[[/underline]] Stockton, Cal. one