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From [[underline]] Edward J. Brown, [[/underline]] Washington, D.C. - 4 specimens Sea-side sparrow (Ammodramus maritimus), from Cobb's I., Va. (Exchange.)

From [[underline]] O. N. Bryan [[/underline]] (deceased), Marshall Hall, Md. - 12 specimens, (9 species), chiefly from Marshall Hall, Md. (Bequest. -- This bequest contained a much larger number of specimens, but nearly all were so badly moth-eaten and infested with insects that it was necessary to burn them.)

From [[underline]] James C. Carter, [[/underline]]  New York City. - A fine specimen of hybrid Mallard ([[underline]] Anas boschas [[/underline]]) and Pintail ([[underline]] Dafila acuta, [[/underline]] from Swan Island, N.C. Also, 

Transcription Notes:
species names verified - nwm