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a European Widgeon ([[underline]] Mareca penelope)[[/underline]], from the same locality. (Gifts.)

Two specimens of the American Merganser ([[underline]] Merganser americanus [[/underline]]), in the flesh, from Chesapeake Bay. (Gift.)

From [[underline]] C.V. Cooke, [[/underline]] Salem, Oregon. - A pair of Steller's Jay ([[underline]] Cyanocitta stelli [[/underline]] ), from Salem, Oregon; parents of nests and eggs purchased for oölogical collection. (Gift.)

From [[underline]] C.B. Cory, [[/underline]] Boston, Mass. - One specimen of the Crocodile Bird ([[underline]] Pluvianus aegyptius [[/underline]]), from Egypt. (Gift.)

From [[underline]] B.L. Cunningham [[/underline]], Ft. Klamath, Oregon - 3 specimens, 2 species, from Ft. Klamath. (Gift.)

From [[underline]] S.F. Denton [[/underline]], U.S. Fish Commission - 

Transcription Notes:
species names verified - nwm