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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. June 19th 1867

Maj. H. D. Norton
Sub Asst Comr
Morganton N.C.


By direction of the Asst Commissioner I transmit herewith a circular letter to which your attention is invied and to request you to endeavor to form a Committee of Ladies who will take charge and distribute any stores or monies that may be sent you [[footnote 1]]

Very respectfully
Your obdt servt
[[signature]] Jacob F. Chur [[/signature]]
Bt Lt Col A.A.A.G.

[[footnote 1]] Copy sent to 
Maj A. W. Bolenius
Lt Col Stephen Moore
Col M. Cogswell
Col Jno R Edie
Capt A Rutherford
[[/footnote 1]]

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. June 25th 1867

Bolenius Maj A.W.
^[[2]] Sub Asst Comr
Greensboro N.C.


In answer to your communication of 21st inst relative to distribution of supplies directed by Citizens of Boston the Asst Commissioner directs me to say that you will purchase at the [[underlined]] very lowest prices [[/underlined]] the following articles

1170 lbs flour, 480 lbs Coffee
600 " [[ditto for: lbs]] Brown sugar, 120 Yds Calico
105 Yds sheeting 60 Yds Bleached Cotton

This amount will be equally divided among the ladies of the Committee for distribution. The demand upon the fund being very large the portion assigned to each locality must necessarily be limited and care must

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be taken that the supplies be furnished only to destitute, sick, aged, and infrim or delicate children. Where the subsistence furnished by the Government fail to provide sufficient nourishment, the ladies are requested to take receipts or such vouchers as may enable us to account to the Boston Committee how the distribution has been made. You will forward the invoice of the goods furnished and a check will be sent you for the amount

Very respectfully
Your obdt servt
[[signature]] Jacob F. Chur [[/signature]]
Bt Lt Col A.A.A.G.

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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. June 28th 1867

Cogswell Col M.
Sub Asst Comr
Fayetteville N.C.


In answer to your communication of 23d inst relative to the donation from the Citizens of Boston, I am directed by the Asst Commissioner to request you to purchase necessaries for the Sick consisting of the following articles, Flour, Coffee, Brown Sugar, Calico, Brown Sheeting & Bleached Botton, to the amount of Three hundred dollars ($300) which will be placed in the hands of the Laides Committe for distribution to such as come within the provisions of the Circular sent you. The Committee will please take such receipts for issue as may enable the Asst Commissioner to account to the Boston Committee how the fund has been expended