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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N. C. Aug 13th 1867

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Craven Rev Dr Baxter
Trinity College
N. C.


The citizens of Boston have donated a sum of money for the purchase of necessaries for the destitute sick aged [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] infirm and feeble children in the State of North Carolina and placed the same in the hands of Maj Genl N. A. Miles Heon W. W. Holden and R. W. Pulliam Esq for distribution. I am requested by this Committee to inform you that they have appropriated Two hundred dollars to Randolph County and have designated you as one of the Committee for distribution in that County - in connection with E. R. Blair Esq - and S. S. Jackson Esq - 

In view thereof I herewith transmit check on Raleigh National Bank for Two hundred dollars - which you will please expend in such articles as Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Flour, Female Clothing or such articles as in the judgement of the Committee is deemed proper, to carry out the object of the donors - Please have the enclosed receipts signed by Committee & return the same to me.  After purchases are made please send invoices so that proper returns can be made to donors - 

Very respectfully
Your Obdt servt
[[signature]] Jacob F. Churr [[/signature]]
Bt Lieut Col A A A G

Copy of same sent to Rev Jam's Buxton Asheville with Buncombe County - instead of Randolph County and the names of Rev L. W. [[?]]in & W. W. Moore Esq inserted in place of E. T. Blair Esq and S. S. Jackson Esq

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[[preprinted]] 49 [[/preprinted]]

Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c
Hd Qrs Asst Commissioner
Raleigh N.C. Sept 19th 1867

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Paterson R. S. Esq
Caldwell Co. N.C.


In answer to your communication of Sept 13th and by direction of Bt Maj General N. A. Miles Chairman of Committee for distribution of Fund donated by Citizens of Boston I herewith transmit draft on N.Y. for One hundred dollars to be expended on account of said fund, The object of this charity is to provide for the indigent sick and infirm or Aged persons or feeble children- You are requested to sign enclosed receipt and return to these Head quarters and also to furnish an invoice of articles purchased

Very respectfully
Your Obdt servt
[[signature]] Jacob F. Chur. [[/signature]]
Bt Lieut Col A A A G